«Someone will have to do it. And if no one wants to become a monster... Then I will.»乙骨憂太コスプレOkkotsu Yuta cosplayPhoto by @Mirn_21 #jujutsukaisen #okkotsuyuta #呪術廻戦 #乙骨憂太
Emilia Skariani🇺🇦 (@EmilySkariani)
乙骨憂太コスプレ📸 @Mirn_21 #呪術廻戦 #乙骨憂太 #乙骨憂太コスプレ #コスプレ
Adele Lave(アデリー) (@Adele_Lavend)
Claire in the forest? 🤔Photo by Mirn#ResidentEvil2Remake #ResidentEvil #ClaireRedfield #cosplay #バイオハザード #コスプレ
Chris, where are you?Photo by Mirn #ResidentEvil2Remake #ClaireRedfield #residentevil2 #biohazard #バイオハザード #コスプレ
Emilia Skariani🇺🇦 (@EmilySkariani)
"Everything in this world is just a game and we are merely the pawns."Gasai Yuno / 我妻由乃Photo by Mirn#桜 #我妻由乃 #コスプレ #gasaiyuno #mirainikki #未来日記 #cosplay
«Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped...in a never-ending spiral of life and death.»2B cosplay by me📸 @Mirn_21 #2B #NierAutomata #cosplay #アコスタ池袋 #コスプレ
Пока все встречали новый год я с технологами завода обсуждал и решал вопросы по новому дизайну платы. Получилось в итоге вот это:While everyone was celebrating the new year I was discussing and solving questions on the new board design with the jlcpcb technologists. result: